Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good Food vs Bad Food - Fitness Nutrition Denver Boulder

Posted on by FitNut ?

Good food versus bad food. Who knows the answer when it changes every week!

The media loves this one; every few weeks they pick on one of your favorites. One week, your coffee is a health food and the next it is a health-villain. Chocolate, wine, beer, and yogurt: these days it seems almost impossible to figure out which foods keep your health in check. The mistake we are making in this colossal debate comes from the emphasis on ?Good? and ?Bad?. The truth of the matter comes in the word ?Food?.

Good Food vs Bad FoodWhat is ?food? anyway? Walking through your local grocery store, you are bound to find a wide variety of advertisements and labels bespeaking all of the health benefits ?contained within?. But, is it food? You would need a college degree in chemistry with an emphasis in industrial food processing to be able to fully decipher most processed food labels.

Additionally, you might want to rent a crystal ball to clue you in on the stuff not reported on food labels. Chances are if they don?t want you to know it is in there, your body doesn?t assimilate it as food. I am also suspicious that there is a big difference between ?recommended daily allowance? and ?safe limits for human consumption?. Creating a convenient processed food with extensive shelf life takes a lot of chemistry voodoo.

?Low Fat? ?No Calories? ?Low Carb?: what is the point? Now we have ?Bad? macronutrient classes! What is the point of food if not to supply energy and nutrients to your body? The other part of the equation is that not a single one of those nutrients works in isolation. Nutrients are like a universe where every one thing works in synergy with all the other things. When you start picking out single items, you effectively hobble the nutrient universe.

what is food - Jaye AlynnSo what is food? I say that it is anything you can get without a label. Whenever you have the opportunity, opt for a piece of fruit or a vegetable over the ?100-calorie? snack pack. Your body will thank you as you spare your liver and your immune system the task of breaking down the chemistry experiment in your ?heart healthy?, reduced calorie snack. Good food versus bad food isn?t the problem. It?s knowing that food is natural not born in a chemistry lab.

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