Tuesday, January 10, 2012

GOP Candidates from New Hampshire Eyes (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | As the primary approaches my decision has been influenced by a number of different variables. The No. 1 method that I am influenced is by the advertising either on television or YouTube. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have taken over YouTube with their campaigning ads. Before every clip I go to see I hear Romney or Paul talking to me about what it means to be an American.

Romney seems incredibly patriotic and is from New England, while Paul is always talking about how he predicted the economic collapse that happened. I would say my vote is a toss-up between these two men just based on their background and charisma that they possess.

Romney seems to have everything that is desired in a president. But after all his campaigning he seems to sometimes let his tongue slip and say something that I don't agree with and comes off as immature, such as when he is talking about Barack Obama and will not leave the birth certificate situation alone.

He has been president for nearly three years now and I believe Romney may need to learn to control what he says. If not, it could be detrimental for America. The role of the president is largely to be the face and voice of America. Romney has the looks and charisma, but he needs to learn to control what he says, because if he lets something slip to the wrong person the consequences could be disastrous.

Paul has presented an idea that I am completely at odds with, his idea that there should be no separation between church and state. There is an age gap between these two men and that may be why some of their policies are so different.

A lot of the ideas that one carries into adulthood are brought from the influential stages of childhood. Paul was growing up with a different situation than Romney. Paul being a Baptist Christian, like much of America, can incorporate that into his policy. However Romney on the other hand is a Mormon and would have a hard time putting a Mormon policy into his run for president. Romney seems to have that home-town hero affect on the New Hampshire voters and also has the patriotism and charisma that is sought after in an American president.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20120109/pl_ac/10807941_gop_candidates_from_new_hampshire_eyes

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