Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Gmail Tweak Lets You Schedule Calendar Events With Just a Click

If like millions of people you use Gmail to schedule meetings, and Google Calendar to keep track of them, this little interface improvement in Gmail is going to save you a bucket of time and headaches.

The scheduling workflow in Google products is messy. You're constantly switching between email messages and your calendar to see if a proposed meeting place and time is convenient. And going back and forth is a huge time suck.

Luckily, Google used its data crunching prowess to devise a fix to this silly problem. Google will now start parsing your emails for dates, and lightly highlight what it identifies as events in your email. If you click on one of those dates, a little dialogue will pop up showing you the day and what else you've got going on. If the time works, you can schedule it up?all without ever taking your eyes of the message.

The update is rolling out to US English users over the next week, with expanded language support on its way. It can't come soon enough. [Google]


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New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay

New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 1-May-2013
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay. Their report appears in the ACS journal Langumir.

Karin Jacobs and colleagues explain that despite a half-century of scientific research, controversy still exists over exactly how fluoride compounds reduce the risk of tooth decay. That research established long ago that fluoride helps to harden the enamel coating that protects teeth from the acid produced by decay-causing bacteria. Newer studies already found that fluoride penetrates into and hardens a much thinner layer of enamel than previously believed, lending credence to other theories about how fluoride works.

The report describes new evidence that fluoride also works by impacting the adhesion force of bacteria that stick to the teeth and produce the acid that causes cavities. The experiments performed on artificial teeth (hydroxyapatite pellets) to enable high-precision analysis techniques revealed that fluoride reduces the ability of decay-causing bacteria to stick, so that also on teeth, it is easier to wash away the bacteria by saliva, brushing and other activity.


The authors acknowledge funding from the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the Federal State of Saarland.

The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C. and Columbus, Ohio.

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New evidence on how fluoride fights tooth decay [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 1-May-2013
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay. Their report appears in the ACS journal Langumir.

Karin Jacobs and colleagues explain that despite a half-century of scientific research, controversy still exists over exactly how fluoride compounds reduce the risk of tooth decay. That research established long ago that fluoride helps to harden the enamel coating that protects teeth from the acid produced by decay-causing bacteria. Newer studies already found that fluoride penetrates into and hardens a much thinner layer of enamel than previously believed, lending credence to other theories about how fluoride works.

The report describes new evidence that fluoride also works by impacting the adhesion force of bacteria that stick to the teeth and produce the acid that causes cavities. The experiments performed on artificial teeth (hydroxyapatite pellets) to enable high-precision analysis techniques revealed that fluoride reduces the ability of decay-causing bacteria to stick, so that also on teeth, it is easier to wash away the bacteria by saliva, brushing and other activity.


The authors acknowledge funding from the German Science Foundation (DFG) and the Federal State of Saarland.

The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C. and Columbus, Ohio.

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Want to slow mental decay? Play a video game

May 1, 2013 ? There may be a way for older people to prevent natural aging of their minds, and it could be as simple as playing a video game.

That's according to a study from the University of Iowa, which found that elderly people who played just ten hours of a game priming their mental processing speed and skills delayed declines by as many as seven years in a range of cognitive skills.

"We know that we can stop this decline and actually restore cognitive processing speed to people," says Fredric Wolinsky, professor in the UI College of Public Health and lead author on the paper published May 1 in the journal PLOS One. "So, if we know that, shouldn't we be helping people? It's fairly easy, and older folks can go get the training game and play it."

The study comes amidst a burst of research examining why, as we age, our minds gradually lose "executive function," generally considered mission control for critical mental activities, such as memory, attention, perception and problem solving. Studies show loss of executive function occurs as people reach middle age; other studies say our cognitive decline begins as soon as 28 years of age. Either way, our mental capacities do diminish, and medical and public health experts are keen to understand why in an effort to stem the inexorable tide as much as possible.

Wolinsky and colleagues separated 681 generally healthy medical patients in Iowa into four groups -- each further separated into those 50 to 64 years of age and those over age 65. One group was given computerized crossword puzzles, while three other groups were exposed to a video game called "Road Tour." Briefly, the game revolves around identifying a type of vehicle (displayed fleetingly on a license plate) and then reidentifying the vehicle type and matching it with a road sign displayed from a circular array of possibilities, all but one of them false icons. The player must succeed at least three out of every four tries to advance to the next level, which speeds up the vehicle identification and adds more distractions, up to 47 in all.

The goal, naturally, is to increase the user's mental speed and agility at identifying the vehicle symbol and picking out the road sign from the constellation of distractors (which are rabbits, by the way).

"The game starts off with an assessment to determine your current speed of processing. Whatever it is, the training can help you get about 70 percent faster," says Wolinsky, who has no financial stake in the game.

The groups that played the game at least 10 hours, either at home or in a lab at the university, gained at least three years of cognitive improvement when tested after one year, according to a formula developed by the researchers. A group that got four additional hours of training with the game did even better, improving their cognitive abilities by four years, according to the study.

"We not only prevented the decline; we actually sped them up," Wolinsky says.

Improving people's processing speed is considered important for a host of reasons. One widely accepted benefit is widening a person's field of view. "As we get older, our visual field collapses on us," Wolinsky explains. "We get tunnel vision. It's a normal functioning of aging. This helps to explain why most accidents happen at intersections because older folks are looking straight ahead and are less aware of peripherals."

Recognizing this, the National Institutes of Health in the late 1990s commissioned the largest cognitive training study of its kind, called ACTIVE. The national, multi-site trial, in which Wolinsky was involved, showed the elderly's memory, reasoning and visual processing speed could be improved with interventions, thus slowing the aging of their minds. But the ACTIVE study had its limitations: Among them, the control group didn't get any training and the primary goal was to assess the effects on seniors' field-of-view vision.

Wolinsky's team added an active control group -- those doing the crossword puzzles. The researchers found those who played the "Road Tour" game also scored far better than the crossword puzzle group on tests involving executive function beyond field-of-view vision, such as concentration, nimbleness with shifting from one mental task to another and the speed at which new information is processed. The improvement ranged from 1.5 years to nearly seven years in cognitive improvement, the study found.

"It's the 'use it or lose it' phenomenon," Wolinsky says. "Age-related cognitive decline is real, it's happening, and it starts earlier and then continues steadily. The good news is we can do something about it. The question is will we?"

The NIH funded the work, out of a Research Challenge grant from the NIH director's office as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (grant numbers 5 RC1 AG035546 02 and 1 RC1 AG035546 01).

Contributing authors include Michael Jones and Megan Dotson, from the UI's College of Public Heath, and Mark Vander Weg and M. Bryant Howren, from the Iowa City VA Health Care System.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Iowa. The original article was written by Richard C. Lewis.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Fredric D. Wolinsky, Mark W. Vander Weg, M. Bryant Howren, Michael P. Jones, Megan M. Dotson. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Training Using a Visual Speed of Processing Intervention in Middle Aged and Older Adults. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (5): e61624 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061624

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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May Day protests: From Bangladesh to Europe, angry workers rally in the tens of thousands (+video)

But this year's May Day demonstrations come on the heels of the tragic Bangladesh factory collapse, a potent symbol for many of the importance of workers' rights.

By Ryan Lenora Brown,?Correspondent / May 1, 2013

Workers and protesters hold a huge banner march to the government office during a May Day rally in Hong Kong, Wednesday. Hundreds of workers, local labor right groups, and striking dockworkers join the annual rally to demand better wages and working conditions.

Vincent Yu/AP


In Dhaka, Bangladesh, a raucous crowd descended on the city center with signs and drums, chanting and waving banners demanding the death penalty for the owner of a factory where more than 400 people died in a building collapse last week.

Skip to next paragraph Ryan Lenora Brown


Ryan Brown edits the Africa Monitor blog and contributes to the national and international news desks of the Monitor. She is a former Fulbright fellow to South Africa and holds a degree in history from Duke University.?

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In Jakarta, Indonesia, some of the tens of thousands of demonstrators marching through the city came dressed as ants ? complete with bright red outfits and antennae ? to depict the exploitation of workers.?

And in Greece, trains, buses, and ferries sat vacant and hospitals nearly empty as thousands of public sector employees walked off the job in a one-day strike.

Each year, May 1, better known as May Day, is marked with labor rallies and strikes around the world. And this year's holiday came at a particularly prescient moment in many parts of the world.?

From Europe, where the bite of austerity has left many facing down unemployment and reduced benefits, to South and Southeast Asia, a region cluttered with precariously-built factories similar to the one that collapsed last week in Bangladesh, demonstrators gathered to vent outrage and demand reform.

?My brother has died. My sister has died. Their blood will not be valueless,? yelled one Bangladeshi protestor through a crackling loudspeaker, according to the Associated Press.

As the march wove through downtown Dhaka, rescue workers in the industrial suburb of Savar continued their search for bodies and survivors in the rubble of Rana Plaza, which collapsed suddenly on April 24 with thousands of garment workers inside.

The disaster at the factory, which manufactured clothing for several low-end Western retailers, touched off global outrage about the working conditions of garment workers across the developing world. In Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, workers rallied for higher wages and safer working conditions. In Manila, Philipines, where labor unions are banned, workers marched to demand the right to organize. And in Hong Kong, thousands turned out in support of striking dock workers, calling for wages that would help close the income gap between the country?s rich and its poor.

And that was all before Europe woke up.

There has "never been a May 1 with more reason to take to the streets,? one Spanish union leader told Reuters during a march in Madrid this morning, where protestors carried signs reading "austerity ruins and kills" and "reforms are robbery.? (Read the Monitor's feature about how Spaniards are increasingly flocking to the countryside to cut costs and find new jobs.)

In Greece, where the government recently announced that it would lay off 180,000 civil servants over the next two years ? the first such cuts in 100 years ? a strike shut down public transit across Athens. ?

And in France, which saw unemployment rose again last month, marchers carried banners reading, ?It?s too much! Alternatives exist? and ?Where are the real socialists in our government??

An exception to the doom and gloom of this year?s May Day was Russia, where a festive celebration of the holiday harks back to Soviet times. Indeed, many of those who gathered in the streets of Moscow were buoyant, Euronews reported.

?The atmosphere is excellent. It?s a holiday for us, the beginning of something new, bright, and joyful,? one demonstrator told reporters.

May 1 is a national holiday in some 80 countries around the world, and its ties to labor advocacy date back to 1886, when American police killed 10 protestors at a rally for an eight-hour workday in Chicago?s Haymarket Square. International socialist organization and labor unions declared it a day of commemoration and action soon after.

Ironically, however, May Day is not celebrated in the United States. In the early 1890s, fearing the ?socialist? overtones of the holiday, President Grover Cleveland quickly declared an alternate holiday, beginning the American tradition of celebrating Labor Day on the first Monday of September.?


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Warren Buffett: Private Equity Porn Shop - Business Insider

This week is the annual shareholder meeting for Berkshire Hathaway, the gigantic conglomerate run by billionaire Warren Buffett.

Buffett has a way of explaining complicated finance topics so that they're fun and understandable.

Carleton English of Belus Capital Advisors points us to this gem of a quote from 2008 where he takes a jab at private equity.

Someone had asked the Oracle of Omaha why people sell their companies to him instead of private equity firms.? This is the type of question that you might hear later this week.? Here's Buffett's response:

?You can sell it to Berkshire, and we?ll put it in the Metropolitan Museum; it?ll have a wing all by itself; it?ll be there forever. Or you can sell it to some porn shop operator, and he?ll take the painting and he?ll make the boobs a little bigger and he?ll stick it up in the window, and some other guy will come along in a raincoat, and he?ll buy it."

According to Bloomberg, Buffett delivered this doozy during some Q&A with a 300 executives in Toronto.

He's basically explaining that there is more than one way for a company to get to a certain market value.

Private equity often involves a lot of debt, a lot of cuts, and usually a lot of risk before a company is turned around and sold back on the market.

Berkshire and Buffett, on the other hand, often take a more passive approach.? Typically, Buffett seeks out what he considers to be undervalued, yet well run companies.? And then he just waits for them to get to their intrinsic values.

Anyways, we hope this weekend's events in Omaha yield some more great quotes.


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Easyjet app update brings mobile boarding passes and Passbook support

Passbook enabled apps in the UK are still a rarity, but we can now add another one to the list. UK based low-cost airline, Easyjet, has updated their iPhone app bringing with it mobile boarding passes and Passbook support. This ties in with a new Easyjet initiative whereby all their airport check-in facilities are to be closed, and replaced by online check-in methods.

The mobile boarding passes are initially in a trial phase, with six airports -- those at Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Manchester, Nice, London Stansted and Southend -- taking part. Eventually this will likely increase pending a successful trial and the co-operation of the remainder of Easyjet's partner airports.

Online check-in can be done from within the app itself, or online, with a mobile boarding pass then downloading to your iPhone which you are able to add to Passbook. At present only one boarding pass is possible per device, though Easyjet does say that they're hoping to increase this very soon.



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LONDON, April 30 (Reuters) - For Rafael Nadal to bridge a 7,000-point gap with Novak Djokovic in the ATP rankings looks like a tall order, even for a player of his qualities, yet he could still threaten the Serb's hopes of ending 2013 as world No.1. With the French Open looming large on the horizon, Nadal is back in the claycourt groove as he continues his comeback from a knee injury that sidelined him for seven months. ...


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Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research ... -

The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as of 04/30/2013 . If updates have been made to the opportunity synopsis, update information is provided below the synopsis.

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Any inconsistency between the original printed document and the disk or electronic document shall be resolved by giving precedence to the printed document.

Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-13-259
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Posted Date: Apr 30, 2013
Creation Date: Apr 30, 2013
Original Closing Date for Applications: Jul 01, 2013 ??
Current Closing Date for Applications: Jul 01, 2013 ??
Archive Date: Aug 30, 2013
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling: $300,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 93.110 ?--? Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Special district governments
Independent school districts
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

As cited in 42 CFR Part 51a.3(b), only public or nonprofit institutions of higher learning and public or private nonprofit agencies engaged in research or in programs relating to maternal and child health and/or services for children with special health c

Agency Name

Health Resources & Services Administration


The purpose of the Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research Network (MCH-MRN) is to support a forum that will create a national agenda for health measurement research by producing an evolving compendium of available high quality measures of maternal and child health, and by identifying gaps in existing measures for future development purposes.? The MCH-MRN will thus provide national leadership in enhancing and developing a set of culturally competent health measures for: MCH programmatic planning; screening; service provision; interventions that promote physical and psychosocial health and well-being; and clinical decision-making for primary and secondary prevention of disease, injury, and behavioral issues among at-risk mothers, children (including children with special healthcare needs), adolescents, and families.? The MCH-MRN will address health measurement research for at-risk mothers, children (including children with special health care needs), adolescents, and families, with a focus on programmatic applications.? The MCH-MRN will have a strategic focus on health measurements among at-risk MCH populations, which will complement existing investments by other HHS agencies, such as NIH and AHRQ.? The goals of the research network are as follows: 1)????? To establish a Research Network comprised of interdisciplinary experts who represent the MCH lifespan and who are active in the measurement of health and well-being of at-risk MCH populations;? ? 2)????? To formulate a national research agenda with regard to existing and needed health measurements for MCH populations with high relevance to MCHB programs; 3)????? To collaborate in the development, validation and implementation of new MCH health measures that address identified gaps, using external public and private funding sources; 4)????? To translate and apply Network findings into a variety of practices, policies, and processes, such as Title V programs; home visiting programs; Healthy Start Programs; services for children with special health care needs; services that promote child, adolescent, and family health; state and local health departments; community safety net programs; and other public health programs serving MCH populations, particularly those that represent underserved communities, such as low socioeconomic status, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural communities.? ?? Some possible tasks to be achieved during this project period include: 1)????? Identifying national priorities for health measurement research in MCH populations; 2)????? Collaborating synergistically with other Federal investments in measurement research to ensure the inclusion of MCH populations and underserved communities; 3)????? Compiling and evaluating the quality of existing health measures for MCH populations in general and with a special emphasis on at-risk MCH populations, to be disseminated to the public via website, which will serve as a portal of a comprehensive, dynamic electronic compendium of measures.? Attention should be paid to the measurement?s purpose,? psychometric quality, targeted population, setting or conditions (e.g, clinical versus public health, stages of lifespan, health conditions, special populations, Title V performance measures); 4)????? Fostering and implementing the translation of knowledge into practice in order to provide MCH populations, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders with useful clinical and public health information; 5)????? Contributing to the scientific literature and disseminating Network findings through development of a website, peer-reviewed publications (2-3 publications per year), webinars, meetings, and other related activities that will facilitate the transfer of Network findings broadly; 6)????? Providing an electronic copy of any products supported by award funds including guidelines, publications, books, pamphlets, slide sets, CD-ROMS, curricula, assessment tools, videos, etc., to be made available to the general public and to? the MCH Research Program; 7)????? Building the capacity to advance and implement critical research that will address the gaps and promote the research agenda identified by the Network, through both MCHB and other funding sources;? 8)????? Accelerating the impact of measurement research into programs, policies, and processes for the reduction of health disparities among at-risk MCH populations. Consistent with HRSA?s mission as the access agency to provide services to underserved populations, applicants for the MCH-MRN should describe network activities that will address the needs of underserved populations, such as low-income, racial/ethnic minorities, immigrants, individuals who have limited access to services, and/or other underserved populations as defined by the applicant.? The Maternal and Child Health Bureau?s intent is to ensure that research activities are responsive to the cultural and linguistic needs of special populations, that services are family-centered and accessible to consumers, and that the broadest possible representation of culturally distinct and historically underrepresented groups is supported through programs and projects sponsored by the MCHB.

Link to Additional Information

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Contact HRSA Call Center at 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772 or email CallCenter@HRSA.GOV

Synopsis Modification History

There are currently no modifications for this opportunity.



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NATO: Bomb kills 3 troops in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Roadside bomb attacks in Afghanistan killed three NATO service members and nine Afghans on Tuesday, officials said, clear evidence that the insurgents' annual spring offensive is underway.

The service members died in southern Afghanistan, the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan said in a brief statement that provided no other information.

In another attack in the south of the country, a roadside bomb in the Shah Wali Kot district of Kandahar province killed three civilians and wounded five, said Jawed Faisal, a spokesman for the provincial governor.

The Taliban and other insurgent groups make heavy use of roadside bombs. They are among the deadliest weapons in the Afghan war for civilians.

In the north, in Archi district in the province of Kunduz, a roadside bomb killed two people, including a local police commander who had been credited with reducing the number of insurgent attacks in his area, said Abdul Nazar, a local council member.

Commander Miran and his driver were killed and two other police officers were wounded when the car they were driving toward Kunduz City was destroyed by a bomb hidden on the road, said Nazar. Like many Afghans, Miran only used one name.

On Tuesday evening, a roadside bomb exploded in Uruzgan province in central Afghanistan, killing four civilians in a car and wounding two, said police spokesman Fareed Ayal.

The attacks came on the third day of what Taliban has called its spring offensive. The insurgents warned they would infiltrate enemy ranks to conduct "insider attacks" and target military and diplomatic sites with suicide bombers.

In past years, spring has marked a significant upsurge in fighting between the Taliban and NATO forces along with their local allies. This fighting season is a key test, as the international coalition is scheduled to hand over security responsibilities to Afghan forces next year.

On Tuesday, Afghan and coalition security forces arrested two Taliban insurgents in Logar province, and on Monday Afghan security forces rushed to the assistance of local police under attack in Ghazni province and killed three insurgents and wounded four, NATO said in a statement.

(Copyright (c) 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Recent U.S. college graduates disillusioned, underemployed: poll

NEW YORK (Reuters) - More than 40 percent of recent U.S. college graduates are underemployed or need more training to get on a career track, a poll released on Tuesday showed.

The online survey of 1,050 workers who finished school in the past two years and 1,010 who will receive their degree in 2013 also found that many graduates, some heavily in debt because of the cost of their education, say they are in jobs that do not require a college degree.

Thirty-four percent said they had student loans of $30,000 or less, while 17 percent owed between $30,000 to $50,000.

"For our nation's youngest workers, as well as for the workforce at large, there is a real need for employers to reexamine how they hire, train and develop their employees," said Katherine Lavelle, of the global management consulting firm Accenture, which conducted the survey.

Nearly half, 42 percent, of recent graduates expect they will need an advanced degree to further their career and almost a quarter are already planning to take graduate courses.

More than half of graduates said it was difficult finding a job, but 39 percent were employed by the time they left college. Sixty eight percent said they are working full time, while 16 percent are in part-time positions.

The top industries that graduates wanted to work in were education, media and entertainment and healthcare.

Just over half, 53 percent, of graduates found full-time jobs in their field of study.

In addition to being underemployed many graduates thought they would have done better in the job market if they had studied a different major, and more than half also intended to go back to school within the next five years.

The survey uncovered a gap between what students expect to earn in their first job and their actual salary. Only 15 percent of this year's graduates think they will earn less than $25,000 but a third of recent graduates said they make that amount or less.

(Reporting by Patricia Reaney; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)


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Obama Praises Jason Collins, Who Can Say 'I'm Still 7 Foot Tall And Can Bang With Shaq' (ABC News)

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Sadly, People Who Walk and Text Could Actually Use This

Anyone who has tried to navigate down a busy sidewalk while dodging people who are obliviously looking down at their phones will appreciate this latest prank by ImprovEverywhere. Their latest mission in New York City was to pose as municipal workers, with orange "Department of Transportation" vests, and act as "Seeing Eye People" for texting-obsessed pedestrians. In the first part of the day's performance, the "texters" are also in on the shtick, but later, ImprovEverywhere (in collaboration with Buzzfeed) provided the service for real people! Hey, it's an idea?and you know Mayor Bloomberg is obsessed with New Yorkers' health and safety. [ImprovEverywhere]


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